
Anyela's Vineyard - Corporate Identity

Anyela's Vineyard - Corporate Identity

  • av_Logo_md.jpg
  • av_RackCard_md.jpg
  • av_Website_md.jpg

Project Details

As the winery began, a new identity was requested, looking for a classy and elegant appeal. The letters "AV" come together to create a logo mark and represent the winery, Anyela's Vineyards.

As the winery grew, they also wanted to get more exposure, and therefore a rack card was created to help advertise their winery. Using a metallic gold foil stamp against a black background on the front of the card provides a powerful and classy design.

(Completed while working at HL&W)

Company Overview

Anyela's Vineyards

Anyela's Vineyards is a world-class winery from the heart of the Finger Lakes Region of New York State.




22 February 2018


Digital, Logo, Print

Custom Requests

I offer custom services and projects by request, including design, illustration, artwork, and more. If you're interested in learning more or have a custom request, please contact me to discuss the details.